American Patrol

"The American Patrol" was performed by the late Glen Miller. Glen Miller was committed to the USO during World War II and died at the peak of his career when his plane went down over Europe to perform for our brave men and women serving over there. If you feel compelled, please visit and support America's best and bravest.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

If only more democarts "got it"...

"We're selling our party short; you've got to stand for a lot more than just blasting the other side," said Gov. Phil Bredesen of Tennessee. "The country is wide open to hear some alternatives, but I don't think it's wide open to all these criticisms. I am sitting here and getting all my e-mail about the things we are supposed to say about the president's speech, but it's extremely light on ideas."

- The New Tork Times

I'm going to guess that in December we are going to be hearing a lot about how the democrats "failed to get their message out". Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


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