American Patrol

"The American Patrol" was performed by the late Glen Miller. Glen Miller was committed to the USO during World War II and died at the peak of his career when his plane went down over Europe to perform for our brave men and women serving over there. If you feel compelled, please visit and support America's best and bravest.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sunnis, Shiites Protest Iraq Constitution

I swear if this crazy idea of invading a Muslim country that as 3 separate ideologies, creating a single constitution and having it blossom into a strong democracy actually works... ANYTHING is possible... If it works back, history is going to look back and say "How the f%&k did America pull that off"?

What happens if in October, when the constitution goes before the people of Iraq for a vote, it gets voted down? What does the provisional constitution say about that?


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