American Patrol

"The American Patrol" was performed by the late Glen Miller. Glen Miller was committed to the USO during World War II and died at the peak of his career when his plane went down over Europe to perform for our brave men and women serving over there. If you feel compelled, please visit and support America's best and bravest.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Democracy on the March

And John Kerry is STILL talking about the lack of international paricipation.

Its so incredibly obvious why Bush's vision earned more votes than Kerry's?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Sharon: Conditions ripe for 'historic breakthrough'

It sounds good... So did the Oslo Peace Accords 13 years ago... Remember, the hand shake with Bill Clinton introducing to the world that thing he does with is lower lip and chin with a slight hint of a nod? Oh it was classic!

Did anyone notice something about a month ago? Did anyone in the main stream media notice the signifigance of what happened in Palistine?

A DEMOCRACY WAS BORN!!! Folks they didnt have one before. Yasar Arafat hadn't held an election in alomst 10 years, and when there was one in 1996 he won something like 95% of the vote in a show election.

I wonder when the world will wake up and notice that the "fire" as George W Bush puts it has been lit, and its going to spread like wildfire. Yes, I'm suggesting what palestians have seen on TV specificaly in Afghanistan helped set a presedence: When there is a power vacum, as there was in Palistine and Afghanistan, YOU VOTE!!!

Whos Kingdom will fall next? You got the Mulahs in Iran, The Batth party in Syria/Lebenon (Lebenon is occupied by Syria but people only care if America does it), and the Saudi Royal Family.

I honestly believe it will be Saudi Arabia. Bush's critics are right.... we are kinda close to a country that supplied 15 of the 19 9/11 highjackers... There has been a reason, and within the next 5 years I think we will see it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Go Hoosiers?!

Wow, where did this team come from? Matt, do you still read this? If so post an IU update... Otherwise I'm going to need to do some research on Indianas Fab 3.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Never forget...

...the insanity of why this happened... May we ship Janet Reno, under gun point, to live under the custody of Fidel Castro...

Remember this was about "parental custody"? Did you know that in a communist state, there IS NO PARENTAL CUSTODY? ALL CHILDREN ARE PROPERTY OF THE STATE.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Good sports...

While Arab Sunnis and the Sunni Triangle have been a thorn in the side of the coalition and Iraqis, The Kurds and Shiites have been incredibly felxible to a unified, democratic Iraq. The Kurds were huge in forming the norther front of the invasion, and upon sovernty in June, they disbanded "Kurdish security forces" and melded them with Iraqi security forces. The Shiites, while sometimes critical of the occupation, have played right along as well. Here is another example of how the Shiite majority wants a truely free and just Iraq for all Iraqis.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Good news from Iraq… ehhhhh kinda….

Bad news: 5 car bombs went off yesterday in Baghdad.

Good news: Only 12 people died. I bet more than 12 people died in Baghdad from car accidents.

Where are all these bombs and money to support them coming from? Word is, Iran is more involved than we thought.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


The Democratic National Committee claims:

>> In 2075, our children and grandchildren will face a staggering cut of 46 percent to their benefits. (

2075??! Those people aren’t even alive yet!

Isn’t touching when the left cares about the unborn?

"We aint gonna save ya for from the knife of an abortion, but dammit we will fight for your social security."

Who’s Your Daddy pulled…

What kind of ignorant f*ck-tard would use a family reunion involving a daughter born out of wedlock and her biological father, as a reality TV show that has a title which is better suited for pornography?

FOX’s obsession with tasteless “reality” shows is looking more and more like Jerry Springer.

Have you noticed how ESPN seams to be covering more of the gossip surrounding sports?

The ghetto presentation of Fox Sports Net sucks, and I’m sick of ESPN.

Who wants to start a new cable sports network? I’m in…

Oil for food...

If the invasion of Iraq did nothing more than to end the "Oil for food" program, than it was worth it. Breaking news indicates that Samir Vincent, an Iraqi born American citizen, has struck a plea deal in his involvment in the corruption that lined the pockets of Saddam, French Diplomats, and God knows who else to the tune of 22 billions dollars. Now that he has a deal, its going to be very interesting to hear what he has to say... Stay tunned...

Friday, January 14, 2005

"Aint nothing but 10 grand. Whats 10 grand, to me?"

Well spoken Randy. And I'm being serious.

Moss's agent said this was in reaction to the Green Bay tradition of mooning the visiting team's bus upon arrival to the stadium.

Have you met a cheese head before?

Required Reading

Keep this article in your archives, as The Democrats start their offensive against W’s plans for social security privatization. You will hear the term “CUTS” in social security. No such cut is going to happen, only a SLOWER INCREASE of benefits. This should happen, and the following article on explains exactly why our future Social Security checks from the government shouldn’t be as much as government is currently estimating them to be.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Chris Mathews Plays Softball With Ted Kennedy

Ted "Deep Sea" Kennedy proved why he doesn’t do many interviews last night on Hardball, and when he does, he gets easy questions with no follow-ups.

I took issue with most of his comments, but I want to focus on something I take to heart: The slander of Wal-Mart. Last night, Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy used the term “Wal-Martification” in regards to how he views America in the global economy, a.k.a. globalization.

Why do liberals hate Wal-Mart? Is it because they provide opportunities in small towns where there once wasn’t any? Is it because of their ultra low prices, allowing lower income families to provide a better standard of living? Is it because Wal-Mart has been listed as one of the best places to work? Spare me the antidotal stories of harassment. Every large company has lawyers fighting such charges. Spare me the stories about how poor mom and pop are out of business. Wal-Mart employs the masses; Mom and pop employed mom and pop and a few others. I doubt mom and pop paid more per hour than Wal-Mart does, and I doubt they provided any benefits.

Liberals hate success. Liberals detest the fact that men and women, through the work of a “big box retailer” can improve their lives with out their (government’s) help.

Keep at it Ted! Continue to trash an institution that millions love. Continue to sink lower and lower in the eyes of American voters. Continue to follow an ideology that no one listens to anymore.

He also proposed a “small pay-roll tax increase” last night. Classic!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ohio State

Ohio State was out of sync last night. It happens.

Ohio State fans? Wow! They were in their PRIME! "Oh we SUCK!" "What the F*CK is Stockman doing, he SUCKS!"

I dont need to rattle off stats to prove just how improved OSU Mens Basketball is this year, and how so far this year has been a success.

I do need a baseball bat next time some idiot trash talks about his own team, and would be pissed off if we were 16-0 and not winning by enough.


It's now official: George H. W. Bush and Bill Jefferson Clinton (I just realized that could possibly translate to B. J. Clinton) are friends! From what I've heard, good friends! Bill Clinton has been to the white house twice since the election! Isn't just so grand when people get a long?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Leftists Call for Inauguration Day Boycott

Oh yea?? Well let me be the first "righty" to call for an inauguration day spending spree! And even if you didn't spend money on the 20th, you're just gonna spend it the next day! Idiots...