American Patrol

"The American Patrol" was performed by the late Glen Miller. Glen Miller was committed to the USO during World War II and died at the peak of his career when his plane went down over Europe to perform for our brave men and women serving over there. If you feel compelled, please visit and support America's best and bravest.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Mahoud Abbas

Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas said yesterday, "Whoever wants to sabotage [the truce] with rocket fire or shooting must be stopped by us, even if that requires using force… There is a national consensus regarding the calm, and whoever leaves this consensus will be struck by an iron fist." (

The lines in the Palestinian Territories have been drawn. Note that we are only about a month from Palestinian parliamentary elections. Abbas would not have used such language if he didn’t think it would help his party’s chances at the polls. The more success they have in peace, they less relevant Hamas and Islamic Jihad become.

This is a huge part of the war on terrorism.


I'm baaaaack!